motleydatetime package¶
motleydatetime.helpers module¶
Functions to make datetime and timezone manipulation easy, accurate, and reliable.
(old_aware_datetime, timezone=None)¶ Converts a timezone aware datetime into another datetime aware of another timezone.
- Parameters
old_aware_datetime (datetime.datetime) – A timezone aware datetime.
timezone (str or datetime.tzinfo) – Either a valid timezone name as a string, or a timezone object, usually a pytz.timezone object, which is a subclass of datetime.tzinfo. If not specified (or None) the default timezone (tzlocal.get_localzone()) is used.
- Returns
- A datetime.datetime object aware of the new timezone and with properly converted
date and time values.
- Return type
- Raises
RunTimeError – Raised if old_aware_datetime parameter is not aware of any timezone.
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
(the_datetime, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z%z', precision=6, nanoseconds=None)¶ Formats datetime.datetime objects like strftime method but with flexible precision and even nanoseconds.
- Parameters
the_datetime (datetime.datetime) – A datetime.datetime object.
datefmt (str) – A strftime compatible date format.
precision (int) – Desired decimal digit preceision of fractional seconds.
nanoseconds (int) – Number of nanoseconds to associate with the datatime object. This is not needed if the built-in microsecond precision (precision=6) of datetime is sufficient, but if greater precision is desired (up to nanosecond) this parameter must be specified.
- Returns
A formatter date and time.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
(year, month, day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, timezone=None)¶ Returns an aware datetime.datetime object with the specified datetime and associated timezone.
- Parameters
year (int) – The desired year, e.g., 2020.
month (int) – The desired month number, 1 through 12, e.g., 1 for January and 12 for December.
day (int) – The desired day of month, e.g., 25.
hour (int) – The desired hour, 0 through 23, e.g., 14 for 2 p.m.
minute (int) – The desired minute, 0 through 59, e.g., 33.
second (int) – The desired second, 0 through 59, e.g., 45. Leap seconds generally ignored.
microsecond (int) – The desired microsecond, 0 through 999999, e.g., 123456.
timezone (str or datetime.tzinfo) – Either a valid timezone name as a string, or a timezone object, usually a pytz.timezone object which is a child class of datetime.tzinfo. If not specified (or None) the default timezone (tzlocal.get_localzone()) is used.
- Returns
- An aware datetime.datetime object associated with timezone UTC and with the specified
date and time values.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
ValueError – Raised if any values outside of valid ranges.
pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError – Raised is a string timezone name is not recognized.
(epoch=None, timezone=None)¶ Returns a datetime.datetime set from the epoch seconds and aware of specified timezone.
- Parameters
epoch (float) – Number of seconds (including fractions) since system epoch. Can also be an int. If not specified (or None) the current system epoch (time.time()) is used.
timezone (str or datetime.tzinfo) – Either a valid timezone name as a string, or a timezone object, usually a pytz.timezone object, which is a subclass of datetime.tzinfo. If not specified (or None) the default timezone (tzlocal.get_localzone()) is used.
- Returns
- An aware datetime.datetime object associated with specified timezone and with the
equivalent datetime values.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
(naive_datetime, timezone=None)¶ Returns a localized (made timezone aware) datetime.datetime but does not convert any date or time values.
- Parameters
naive_datetime (datetime.datetime) – A naive datetime.datetime object (not internally associated with any timezone).
timezone (str or datetime.tzinfo) – Either a valid timezone name as a string, or a timezone object, usually a pytz.timezone object, which is a subclass of datetime.tzinfo. If not specified (or None) the default timezone (tzlocal.get_localzone()) is used.
- Returns
A datetime.datetime object aware of a specific timezone.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
RunTimeError – Raised if naive_datetime parameter not naive but is rather timezone aware.
(aware_datetime)¶ Returns number of seconds (including fractions) from the epoch base instant to aware_datetime instant.
- Parameters
aware_datetime (datetime.datetime) – A timezone aware datetime.datetime object.
- Returns
- An aware datetime.datetime object associated with timezone UTC and with the
specified date and time values.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
RunTimeError – Raised if paraneter aware_datetime is naive, not aware.
(old_aware_datetime)¶ Converts a timezone aware datetime into a naive datetime with same date and time values.
- Parameters
old_aware_datetime (datetime.datetime) – Preferably a timezone aware datetime, but might redundantly also be a naive datetime.
- Returns
- A datetime.datetime object not aware (naive) of any timezone and with the same
date and time values.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
(timezone=None)¶ Returns a timezone aware datetime of the current date and time in the specified timezone.
- Parameters
timezone (str or datetime.tzinfo) – Either a valid timezone name as a string, or a timezone object, usually a pytz.timezone object, which is a subclass of datetime.tzinfo. If not specified (or None) the default timezone (tzlocal.get_localzone()) is used.
- Returns
A datetime.datetime object with current datetime in the specified timezone.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
(year, month, day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)¶ Returns an aware datetime.datetime object with the specified datetime and associated with UTC timezone.
- Parameters
year (int) – The desired year, e.g., 2020.
month (int) – The desired month number, 1 through 12, e.g., 1 for January and 12 for December.
day (int) – The desired day of month, e.g., 25.
hour (int) – The desired hour, 0 through 23, e.g., 14 for 2 p.m.
minute (int) – The desired minute, 0 through 59, e.g., 33.
second (int) – The desired second, 0 through 59, e.g., 45. Leap seconds generally ignored.
microsecond (int) – The desired microsecond, 0 through 999999, e.g., 123456.
- Returns
- An aware datetime.datetime object associated with timezone UTC and with the specified
date and time values.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
ValueError – Raised if any values outside of valid ranges.
(epoch=None)¶ Returns a UTC timezone aware datetime.datetime set from the epoch seconds (including fractions).
- Parameters
epoch (float) – Number of seconds (including fractions) since system epoch. Can also be an int. If not specified (None) then time.time(), the current system time epoch, is used.
- Returns
- An aware datetime.datetime object associated with timezone UTC and with the
equivalent date and time values.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if any parameters not of an acceptable type.
(the_datetime)¶ Tests if a datetime.datetime object is ‘aware’, i.e., has associated timezone information.
See also is_naive.
- Parameters
the_datetime (datetime.datetime) – The datetime to be tested.
- Returns
True if the_datetime has timezone information, False if it does not.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if the_datetime parameter is not an instance of datetime.datetime.
(the_datetime)¶ Tests if a datetime.datetime object is ‘naive’, i.e., has no associated timezone information.
See also is_aware.
- Parameters
the_datetime (datetime.datetime) – The datetime to be tested.
- Returns
False if the_datetime has timezone information, True if it does not.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError – Raised if the_datetime parameter is not an instance of datetime.datetime.
motleydatetime.version module¶
Specifies the motleydatetime package distribution version.